Registration Form



By submitting this registration, I have read, understand, and will abide by RHMRBL rules and regulations. I also acknowledge that I have sent payment of $500 CAD to RHMRBL via Email Money Transfer to Should I become injured during the year, I will not hold RHMRBL or any affiliate association responsible in any way, nor will any of the fees I have paid be returned to me as a result of injury, illness, or lack of attendance/leaving the league during the season. I hereby understand that fighting or physical abuse of players, officials or spectators, the use of abusive or offensive language, the abuse of any facility used by our league, and the use of alcohol and drugs during any game will not be tolerated by RHMRBL, and any violation may result in my banishment or suspension from the league and forfeiture of all fees paid.  Finally, I acknowledge I have read the insurance waiver as listed here: INSURANCE WAIVER DOCUMENT